a spinning - December 22 2013

Yes, finally! You caught the thief! Hidden in the bushes, you watch. When you are about to jump on him, Greenwich, the oldest and wisest Bunny Coney, stops you and asks you to follow him to see what he would do rather than catch immediately.

Finding an excellent idea, you prepare immediately a small team of rabbit to follow. Yes, if there are too many you make too much noise and being detected .. And do not go too fast or too slow!

Only dwarf green or gray and may therefore participate remain hidden in the bushes.

The pigmentalos are prohibited.
Registration: piece-petit 9 coins
Group: etoileetoile
Traps: Allowed
Magic Rabbits: Allowed
Participants: 42
Rewards: view rewards
Qualification: 1st and 2nd
You: You aren't registered yet
Start: tournament finished


The draw for organizing the races is still in progress…